Invited Speakers (Tentative)
Prof. Kookheon Char (Seoul National Univ.)
Dr. Jun-ichi Fukuda (AIST)
Prof. Masahiro Hiramoto (IMS)
Prof. Ki-Hun Jeong (KAIST)
Prof. Yuri S. Kivshar (ANU)
Prof. Roberto Lazzaroni (Univ. of Mons)
Prof. Bo Liedberg (Nanyang Tech. Univ.)
Prof. Xiaogang Liu (National Univ. Singapore)
Prof. Cheolmin Park (Yonsei Univ.)
Prof. Lee Pooi See (Nanyang Tech. Univ.)
Prof. Jean Charles Ribierre (Ewha Womans Univ.)
Prof. Tsuyoshi Sekitani (Univ. of Tokyo)
Prof. Yasuhiro Tachibana (RMIT Univ.)
Prof. Hideo Takezoe (Honor Lecture) (Tokyo TECH)
Prof. Kazuo Takimiya (Hiroshima Univ.)
Prof. Masaru Tanaka (Yamagata Univ.)
Prof. Motomu Tanaka (Univ. Heidelberg)
The registration fee includes admission to technical sessions and one copy of Abstract Book.
The deadline of the "early bird" registration is 31 January 2013, 17:00 JST
*Member of sponsor and cooperative society
Registration will be completed only with full payment.
The registration site will open on Sep. 10, 2012. The major credit cards are accepted for payment.
In case you have accompanying person, please contact to the secretary (mbe7(at)
Go to the registration and abstract submission (via the AMARYS JTB online registration system)
Paper Submission to MBE7 Proceedings
The deadline for the submission of the proceeding was extended to 31st May.(22nd Apr 2013)
Proceedings will be published as a special issue of Japanese Journal of Applied Physics after the conference. The submitted papers will be refereed via the standard JJAP peer review procedure.
Instructions for preparation of manuscript can be found on
JJAP Web site.
DO NOT use the on-line submission form for generic papes that can be accessed from the JJAP website. Otherwise your paper will be reviewed for regular issues of JJAP.
Manuscript submission site for JJAP special issues:
Exhibitions and fund-raising [Japanese]
Organizing Comittee
- Chair:
- Kaoru Tamada (Kyushu Univ.)
- Vice Chair:
- Hisao Ishii (Chiba Univ.)
- Secretariat General:
- Shuichi Nagamatsu (Kyutech.)
- Program Chair:
- Yuji Yoshida (AIST)
- Treasurer:
- Toshinori Matsushima (JAIST)
- Takafumi Sassa (RIKEN)
- Publication:
- Musubu Ichikawa (Shinshu Univ.)
- Public Relations
- Tomohiro Hayashi (Tokyo Tech.)
- Tatsunosuke Matsui (Mie Univ.)
- Local Arrangement:
- Shuichi Nagamatsu (Kyutech.)
- Koichi Sakaguchi (Saga Univ.)
- Executive Members:
- Hirotake Kajii (Osaka Univ.)
- Iwao Soga (Mitsubishi Chem.)
- Sadahiro Masuo (Kwansei Gakuin Univ.)
- Takeo Minari (NIMS)
- Masatoshi Kitamura (Kobe Univ.)
- Nobutaka Tanigaki (AIST)
- Hiromi Kimura-Suda (Chitose Inst. Sci. Tech.)
- Yuhki Yanase (Hiroshima Univ.)
- Takeshi Yamao (Kyoto Inst. Tech.)
- Kenji Ishida (Kobe Univ.)
- Ryuichi Nakamura (TOPPAN)
- Hideo Ohkita (Kyoto Univ.)
- Jun Matsui (Tohoku Univ.)
- Sponsored by:
- JSAP - the Japan Society of Applied Physics
- Division of Molecular Electronics and Bioelectronics, JSAP
- In corporation with:
- The Surface Science Society of Japan
- The Society of Polymer Science, Japan
- The Japanese Liquid Crystal Society
- Society of Nano Science and Technology
- The Materials Research Society of Japan
- OLED Forum Japan
- Polymer Optical Circuit Technical Group Committee, The Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers (IEICE)
- Contact:
